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happening again......

I just finished read 12 volumes (@170pages) CCS (Card Captor Sakura) in just two days with the activities that I had, so it may be one day full. I'm proud of it!
It's great. It thought me about achievement, hard work, friendship, affection, and also love. It told me that there was a differences between affection and love. Again, and again, I fell in love with the characters! (I'm so sorry Ichigo and Shinichi)


Catch Me Catch You Lyric

(Original / Romaji Lyrics English Translation)

Cardcaptor Sakura

aitai na aenai na setsunai na kono kimochi
ienai no iitai no
CHANSU nogashite bakari
I want to see you, but I can't... How sad, these feelings...
I can't say it, but I want to.
I just keep letting my chance slip by.

datte (datte) datte (datte)
tsubasa hiroge futari de
sora wo MARASON yume wo YUNIZON shitai
But still (But still) But still (But still)
Together, let's spread our wings and
marathon across the sky; I want our dreams to be in unison

Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me matte
kotchi wo muite SUKI da to itte
sou Nice to Meet You Good to See You kitto
atashi no omoi anata no HA-TO ni
tonde tonde tonde yuke
ma - yo - wa - na - i
Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Wait up!
Look this way and say you like me.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
My thoughts will
fly, fly, fly into your heart!
They - will - not - get - lost! 

tama ni ne nakunatchau karada no BATTERI-
anata no egao de
itsumo juuden manTAN PAWA- bakuhatsu shichae
Sometimes, my batteries just run dry.
But with your smile,
they're always fully charged, ready to explode.

o-negai (o-negai) o-negai (o-negai)
mazu wa o-tomodachi kara
waratte mitsumete tanoshii mainichi ni shitai
Please (Please) Please (Please)
We're friends first, so
I want to smile, look at you, and have fun every day.

Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me ZETTAI
unmei datte o-niai datte
sou Nice to Meet You Good to See You kitto
dare ni mo makenai anata ni sekai de
ichiban ichiban ichiban ichiban
KO - I - SHI - TE - 'RU
Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Absolutely!
It's our destiny. It suits us well.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
I won't give in to anyone. I'll be
No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1 in the world to you!
I'm - in - love - with - you!

Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me matte
kotchi wo muite SUKI da to itte
sou Nice to Meet You Good to See You kitto
atashi no omoi anata no HA-TO ni
tonde tonde tonde yuke
ma - yo - wa - na - i
Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Wait up!
Look this way and say you like me.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
My thoughts will
fly, fly, fly into your heart!
They - will - not - get - lost!

Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me ZETTAI
unmei datte o-niai datte
sou Nice to Meet You Good to See You kitto
dare ni mo makenai anata ni sekai de
ichiban ichiban ichiban ichiban
KO - I - SHI - TE - 'RU
Hey look!
Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me Absolutely!
It's our destiny. It suits us well.
Yeah! Nice to Meet You Good to See You Surely!
I won't give in to anyone. I'll be
No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1 in the world to you!
I'm - in - love - with - you!
Contributed by Takayama Miyuki


Josh: you know, unbelievable, crazy special, the girl that I thought could never exist (edited)

My friends told me that I'm not the one who think about this matter, like boy, love, or even married not like most of my friends that already thought about it.
Actually my friends were wrong (maybe 30% percents that means they're absolutely right about 70%). I've thought it but I've not interested with it yet, and I thought it's better, so much better! cause my brain is already fulfilled (but I'm not sure) with other things that I can't describe. Although sometimes when I read or watched something related to this matter, I couldn't avoid to think about it. just like I watched this video. Haha I know, it's ridiculous!
I think it's a good (very) short movie videos by Wong Fu Pro. It just need one night for 1million viewer! 4 thumbs up for this! :D

 "you know, unbelievable, crazy special, the girl that I thought could never exist" (Josh) "what do you think if we don't end up together? we gonna hate each other or keep in touch?" (Marissa) "I'd be thankful for that, and I hope, wherever you are, you'd be thankful too, and I think that the best we can wish for" (Josh)

Written and Directed by Philip Wang
Produced with Wesley Chan and Ted Fu
Assistant Producer: Christine Chen
Production Assistant: Regina Fang

well, I like this video, especially their idea, setting and soundtracks :)

nice weather for my first beautiful free (for a while) day!

well, having had 13716926 (read: 4, four, just 4) days for the national examintion while my friends were having their national examination....'s holiday was very good. right!

udah hampir 2 hari sejak hari terakhir ujian nasional dan saya melakukan hal2 yg ga bisa saya lakukan. yak, macem2 hal.......berbagai macam: 3 macem.

1.tidur, makan, (belajar), tidur, makan, (belajar)
(gambar1.1)thanks to these things! I'd be able to stay studying :)
selama 4 hari itu, jam tidur saya ga karuan. saya tidur siang dari jam 2 sampai jam 4an lalu saya belajar (gatau bisa disebut balajar apa ga) sampai sekitar jam 12 malem (yg pastinya diselingi dengan berbagai macam hal(lagi) mulai dari baca komik, nyayi(?), photo, buat video, makan tentunya!, dan tidur) jam 12an tidur dan bangun sekitar jam 2 dini hari lalu tidur sekitar jam 5, bangun jam 6 (mandi dan siap2 sekolah) terus jam setengah 7 berangkat dan begitulah 3 hari seterusnya! sebenernya satu orang guru saya bilang kalo udah mau UN ga usah belajar2 lagi, nongkrong atau ga main aja, tapi menurut saya hal itu bisa menimbulkan hal yg sangat berbahaya dalam diri kita, yaitu keangkuhan. entahlah, tapi menurut saya gitu. so, saya tetep belajar(?) dengan berbagai komik, novel, dan hp di sekitar saya (gambar1.1). sekarang saya bisa tidur, makan, (belajar) sesukanya! Haha

2. reuni dan nginep!
satu hari sebelum hari terakhir saya inget kawan2 saya yg sedang berpulang ke hunian masing2 terus kami sepakat mengadakan jamuan makan siang yg berakhir dengan cara yg dramatis(?) karena masing2 punya kemampuan finansial yg sangat terbatas (kecuali manjut). pilihan makanan pun diputus dengan pizza, two pizza, big size pizza.saya lupa kita milih apa aja, yg pasti semuanya dimakan habis dan menyisakan 2 slice.
apa yg kita lakukan?
makan sambil ketawa (jangan dicontoh), cerita perkembangan masing2 di sekolah dan soal makanan!, bagi2 suvenir dan (satu hal yg ga mungkin dilupakan oleh cewe2 yg sedang kumpul) cerita tentang you know-lah. semuanya! tapi gatau kenapa, semuanya jadi ngarah sama saya, saya disuruh ngaku dan milih dua cowo yg disebutkan yg sama sekali ga saya duga! hahaha kacau! akhirnya, saya bisa meyakinkan mereka bahwa kenyataannya, sekarang, (walau dulu sempet ada) saya lagi ga suka, deket (atau apapun itu, dalam konteks yg berbeda) dengan orang2 yg mereka duga atau yg lainnya. beneran! (loh jadi curhat). pas waktunya nginep (cuma bertiga aja ini) kita nonton tv show jepang, seigi no mikata, (kapan2 saya bakal ngpost ttg ini) sampai sekitar jam 2 dini hari.

3. nonton film, baca novel, baca komik, nonton video, makan (tentunya)
novel: Spring In London (stayed for 6 hours), ESQ, Young On Top, Tepi Langit (semuanya masih dibaca sampi sekarang)
video: Strangers,again by wongfupro (see next post) Sakura The Card Captor
komik: semua komik yg ada di lemari :)
film: Tangled! (higly recommend) Lost In Perth (...biasa aja) Sky Line The Duthes(belom ditonton)

ya, itu hal yg terjadi dua hari ini.

sir, one war was over. let's prepare for the next wars and another unknown wars. thank you.


Guess who?! well, It's Dany Shay!

ok, if you think he is jb!
I'm sorry, you are absolutly perfectly completely wrong!
she is not him!
I didn't mean anything by posting the video. I don't hate jb and not being his fan. It's all just for fun! :D
but, before it becomes something missunderstanding, I'm truly saying sorry to you all jb's fans. truly..really...really sorry..




my fav song in my(almost)entire life! :D

this is it...
The most beautiful song in the(my)world!
(Variation of) Twinkle Twinkle Litle Star K.265 by Mozart


it's a drawing design or........a crap?!

lagi2 keadaan membuat saya membuat terdesak untuk menggambar!
saya akui, gambar saya belum bisa disebut gambar (sepenuhnya) tapi lebih mendekati ke abstrak, saya yakin semua orang di dekat saya sudah tau hal ini, entah mereka memahami atau mengasihani saya (loh?)


"Bruno Mars did a cover of this!"

Well, that was one of comments in David Choi's youtube page when he covered Just The Way You are by Bruno Mars. Actually, I want to tell you this video long time before, but I just had a school exam. so, now is the time!
do you know? frankly, I love this one better than the original version ;) but it depends on our music appetite lol I mean music taste.
don't forget to check another songs which he covers or maybe check his own songs. I'd recommend you the 'That Girl' by himself and 'Grenade' cover.

ok, enjoy this song! :D


Album Baru Sheilla On 7: Berlayar

the newest album from Sheila On 7. Finally, uncle Duta and his friends put their 7th album!!
saya senang banget! band yg selalu ngebuat lagu2nya jd hits ini adalah salah satu band favorit saya halah jadi curhat
cover album Sheila On & : Berlayar
ok, saya tau ini pas nonton ShowBuzz di metrotv, dan pas saya search di mbah google ternyata udah lumayan lama sekitar 1 bulan yg lalu (yg artinya saya telat banget!), ckck seperti biasa saya selalu jadi penggemar yg payah

album ini jadi filosofi buat band sheila yg udah berlayar hampir 15 tahun di blantika musik Indonesia, wih bahasanya..haha. list lagu yg ada di album ini di antaranya:
Track List :
1. Have Fun
2. Pasti Ku Bisa
3. Hujan Turun
4. On The Phone
5. Hari Bersamanya
6. Berlayar Denganku
7. Perfect Time
8. Kamus Hidupku
9. Bait Pertama
10. Hari Bersamanya (Accoustic Version)

kalo mau denger, lagu2 ini udah ada dimana2 kok, di youtube ataupun tempat donlot gratisan. tapi jangan lupa buat beli album aslinya ya!

new skins for new month!

ya, selama hampir 2 jam akhirnya saya bisa masang template ini! setelah bersusah payah dengan tetek bengek di laman template haha
ada beberapa bagian yg saya tambah sendiri jadi maklum kalo acak2an ditambah lagi beberapa laman (comment, follow, tag, music dll) masih ga ada, karna saya masih dalam tahap belajar

mungkin di lain waktu saya akan coba nambah wigdet2 lg di blog saya tercintah ini :D

oiya, tinggal 15 hari lagi saya bakal hadepin UN alias Ujian Nasional. saya mohon doa supaya saya dan kawan2 aksel3 serta anak2 (sd, smp, sma) yg akan menghadapi hal tsb diberi rahmat, taufik, dan hidayah dari Yang Maha Kuasa serta kelancaran menjalaninya. amin.
akhir kata, tetep semangat aksel3, ayo belajar!!!!


as simple as you say good morning in english /the (un)necessary written things related to the blog's owner/

About Me

Semarang, Indonesia
Rahmah Aulia Haryani (April 1994) bestfriends with foods, books, accounting, scenery, good songs& movies and coffee.
raharyani. Powered by Blogger.

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