coretan coretan daftar mimpi yang tercapai maupun belum tercapai. tujuan yang masih buram. perjuangan yang kurang memuaskan. semangat yang rapuh. tekad yang masih belum sekuat baja. target target yang dibiarkan terbengkalai. hadiah Allah yang tiada tara. keberadaan orang - orang yang men-support dan menyayangi saya tiada henti. air mata yang mengalir. kepedihan. senyuman. pengkhianatan. new life.
thanks to: Ibu Bapa Ela Rana Mita Aya Lia Manda Elco Rendi Fachri Anggi Ndoy Aksel 3 Angkot Pulang Angkot Om Rohim dan semuanya, maaf ga bisa disebut satu satu
Alhamdulillah, that year is one of the most beautiful-mixed flavors-years for me :)
+30days- someone sent me this changed-lyrics:
desraino.borneo: See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner uli put it together
How to love
How to love
desraino.borneo: Oooh,
See I just want you to know
That you deserve the best
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
well, amien. thank you very much brother
what's your dream? what about your goals? what have you done? what did you do? what do you do? And what will you do now?
let's start to paint this new plain white paper with the most awesome colours I've ever found from now on, bissmillah :)