economic charity act was held one week ago. an event from economis and business faculty diponegoro university
I got education for my dedication. try to teach second grade elementary school at tegal rejo 2 temanggung..
it is really an experience for me..
introduction begins..who listen them? dunno.. |
reading section, performed in front of class, she's smart ;) |
he describe the picture. guess who draw it?! right. me! :D |
ciye Cichi :p |
Origami class! Bird-shape on the go..wussss |
"why are you looking at me?" "nop nop" |
He named his bird-shape seriously.. |
fold here, there, here, there. they're making 'kipas' yey! |
ligya reti and aji teach them origami. hey teach me some lesson too kakaaaa ;) |
half way finishing the 'fan'. break a leg! :D |
I don't remember this. oh no what with that face ul XD |
after class sesion over, look at their face! |
second-grade education team at tegal rejo 2 :) -- right to left: rhety, cichi, aji, me, ligya |
Let's say Aaaaa together! :) |