belom lagi kegoda bua begadang atau malah tidur pagi, cuma gara gara hal sepele. ck
post ini udah saya buat lama banget, mau dilanjutin tapi lupa apa. mau di apus, sayang. Haha labil.
Satu cangkir kopi panas tersedia di meja. Kau mulai meneguknya, seruput demi seruput. Damai, tenang, dan nyaman. Rasa pahit terasa.
Wajahmu yang teduh menengadah perlahan. Memamerkan jakun di lehermu. Dengan perlahan, mata itu terpejam. Terbayang saat dulu..
Riasan wajah, cara berpakaian, senyum sederhana, serta tawa ringannya. Kau deskripsikan dengan satu kata, indah. Entah untuk keberapa kalinya, kau putar ulang-kaset kenangan usang paling berharga di hidupmu-semua itu.
Hatimu mulai runtuh. Kenangan dan kenyataan hilang timbul menyakitimu. Melemparmu ke dalam kekosongan dan kehampaan dunia yang semu!
Kau terlihat lemah, kawan. Padahal tidak. Jelas tidak!
Teguklah lagi kopi panasmu. Coba jelajahi rasanya, tak hanya pahit yang kau temukan.
Bukalah matamu, telingamu, dan hatimu dengan berani. Kita ada di sini. Siap menelanjangi sisi sisi mu yang lain. Jangan kau lupa, ada Tuhan di hati ini.
A Project by Forum For Indonesia Chapter Semarang at Tembalang
We share and help our sisters and brothers there, do their homeworks, play games and many more.
In this photo, we held celebration for our Independence day August earlier. They're drawing and colouring about what things they do in the Indonesian Independence Day. Overall, they drew the competition they joined, such as running, panjat pinang, eating kerupuk, etc.
"Dalam hidup, kita selalu dihadapkan kepada pilihan sulit. Kita bisa saja lari dari pilihan tersebut, tapi biasanya, kedewasaan datang dari kemauan untuk mengambil
keputusan keputusan rumit dalam hidup.
As a matter of fact, I believe people have to make hard decisions, accept whatever consequences, live through it, learn from it, and by doing so we grow as a person."
Hello everybadiih!
Say Welcome September for its 11th day. Still have difficulties to study here even though already at 2nd year yet still lazy to do some changes =))
But I want to be able to understand my field more more more than anything. I've already falling in love with it (Sorry F, I'm cheating behind you :P lol) at the first sight <3 ciye. Fighting!
N.b. I post my self-picture below for nothing.
From the book that I read before, marketing is really important for all companies. Why? Because it develops the brand products and loyal customer basises which is known as intangible assets for increasing the company value.
The problem are:
1. What kind of fitures should the company provide for the cuatomer?
2. How much money for the product which is offered for customers?
3. Where should the marketers sell the products?
4. How much budget do we have to be ready to produce the products?
So, marketing is how we fulfills our needs in the benefit ways.
Source: Kilter & Keller ed. 13
Got nothing to do after the Wed's afternoon lectures, we decided to go to the beaaaach!
However, still, I prefer to choose Anyer.
We're having birthday party for all over one full year-foward or backward- till we meet again. Take care and goodluck, may Allah be with us foreveer :)
Forever youwng yah mbak mbak nya, yossss!
Melihat tawamu Mendengar senandungmu Terlihat jelas di mataku Warna-warna indahmu
Menatap langkahmu Meratapi kisah hidupmu Terlihat jelas bahwa hatimu Anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki
Sifatmu nan s'lalu Redahkan ambisiku Tepikan khilafku Dari bunga yang layu
Saat kau disisiku Kembali dunia ceria Tegaskan bahwa kamu Anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki
Belai lembut jarimu Sejuk tatap wajahmu Hangat peluk janjimu Anugerah terindah yang pernah kumiliki
Saya percaya, Allah akan selalu memudahkan jalan hambaNya..
"It's like.... right when you get within arm's search, it runs away. And when you finally grab it, it kicks you down." - Edward Elric.
I was chasing a continuing dream But people trip up on that narrow, winding road When I say “like those days”, it doesn’t mean I want to go back I’m searching for the sky I lost
I pray that you’ll understand Stop making that sad face like you’re a victim Sins don’t end with tears You carry them painfully forever Who is waiting In that emotional maze with no exit in sight?
I want to come out and say the words I’ve written on my white notepaper What do I want to run away from? ...Is it reality?
They say we’re living to make our dreams come true In the middle of the night, I begin to forget that Because nothing goes off without a hitch ...I have nowhere to go home to
I can’t erase this feeling now There’s too much life ahead of me, right? (I'm on the way) I even welcome this nostalgic pain
I need to apologise, don’t I? Ah, I’m sorry I couldn’t say it well and just kept worrying you Everything I had that day, everything I’ll have tomorrow I won’t arrange it into order
I pray that you’ll understand I quietly closed my eyes, I’m seeing things I don’t want to see Rumours I don’t need Which was the first I heard? Meeting twice means you’re friends?? Stop kidding me
My red heart Is burning in irritation inside me The truth is, I have high hopes ...For reality?
They say we’re living to make our dreams come true I want to scream, can you hear me? Because nothing goes off without a hitch ...I have nowhere to go home to
I’m always grateful for kindness That’s why I want to be stronger (I'm on the way) In order to move on, I welcome foes and friends
How do you open the next door again? Are you thinking about it? I can’t go back now, the story has begun Wake up, wake up
I can’t erase this feeling now; there’s too much life ahead of me, right? There are things I have left to do; I want to do them over I’ll go once again
They say we’re living to make our dreams come true I want to scream; can you hear me? Because nothing goes off without a hitch ...I have nowhere to go home to
I’m always grateful for kindness That’s why I want to be stronger (I'm on the way) I even welcome this nostalgic pain
"Karena semua akan indah pada waktunya"
"Every god decision is better for you.that's depend what are you do.
example, if you wanna ask to women who you like,but you never ask to her,that's will be nothing.good planning without act is nothing.and she will go.
Maybe you feels Circumstance doesn't support you,maybe you think that's opportunity comes when you not already,and that's opportunity disappear when you ready
That's a god decision,besides you must know it's better for you.
And if you know that's opportunity come when you not already,try to ready
Try to Confident....for your succesfull planning
Did you love her?
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taken from: Cloudy with A Chance Meatball |
"ngerasain umur nambah jadi 18 taun itu ga gampang buat saya, ga pengen aja ninggalin angka 17, walo sebenernya ga ada apa apa.."
Ya Allah, we, your servants, are weak. We fall into ruts, we move backwards, we keep tripping instead of running, but help us keep pushing, accept out tiny actions, our little smiles, our miniscule deeds, even if they weren’t performed with complete heart. Ya Allah, we are trying, and you know the sincerity of your slaves. Please help us keep pushing.
I see the stars sparkling so bright, Within the moon kissed sky. I hear the lark so sweetly sing, Amidst the morning dawn. I smell the flower full in bloom, And see their royal pomp. And yet some place so deep within, I'm shrouded and I'm closed. The brilliance there I can't see, In mists of misery. Enshrined inside, unable thus, To touch the warmth without. I gaze upon this passion spent, And yet . . . Inside I die. Source |
as simple as you say good morning in english /the (un)necessary written things related to the blog's owner/