Saya mengunjungi salah satu icon tempat yang wajib dikunjungi di Semarang; Mesjid Agung Jawa Tengah. Bukan termasuk tempat yang terlalu wah dan tidak ada cerita spesial, hanya saja kunjungan saya malam itu lumayan istimewa: hujan, lampu malam, foto, dan es krim! Haha.
*Walau masih ada yg kurang
I found this....sentences. A friend sent me this message long time ago. One year, hm two, or three years ago, I guess
"Agama adalah konsep tertinggi dan terbaik dari seluruh science dan ilmu pengetahuan lainnya. Himpunan penyelesaiannya selalu (+) atau (>=0). Ia selalu bertanda mutlak. Sama seperti konstanta kuadrat, ia tidak pernah bernilai (-)" A.F.R
"....cuma kamu saja yang tidak ada di jadwalnya.....dewasalah"
Kalimat yang saya baca ketika blogwalking siang ini. Pertama kali baca, saya suka. Haha aneh
Kinda funny to remember what happened in the last countdown of my January 2013. 27 - 30 January, if I am not mistaken. Hehe. I joined Solo Open Debate Competition!
Debate? There has not been a single tiny slight of thoughts to ever imagine I join this kind of competition. People around me know how I am, and I bet they would not ask or even recommend me to do this. In fact, I am the one who can't talk back to the people, have a slow response to what happens around me, can't speak properly, have an below-average analytical skill and for the matter of english, only God knows! and also, I do not have any debate comp background.
There were three stages to finish it. first preliminary, semi final, and final. Our captain said to us that our goal for this event is only to enter the semi final. I believe that because this is our first experiences and practices, He took it as an example for our club, for the next event or our descendant (cesss). In the preliminary, we have to deal four round a day!
First round, we misinterpet the motion and tarrraa! the adjudicator directly knew that we are newbie! Haha.
Next round, we had margin 1 which mean that we were only one step closer to 'take down' the opposite side of our house. It made me gregetan., you know? Because this second motion is about the U.S tax upper middle class policy by Obama which I had read before. Aaaaaa!
After that, we had a heading "Ha ha!" it was totally a disaster for our team. It made us confused because we have disadvantage by being the goverment. And I dont want to recall it :|
The last motion is about, the art. Relationship between law and the art. I already tired and couldn't catch the motion meaning, all the arguments and also my speech. Riot!
And finally, we got no vp! Haha.
Well, I really admire those debaters there, they are just that awesome!
Here we are EECC Ranger 1 and EECC Ranger 2:
I wear red veil, dark-blue blouse and blue jeans with white-orange shoes. That day I do feel like there are men or women who look at me like 'what?' LOL (or is it me who over-confident? :p)
Sebenernya saya udah sering dapet komen dari temen temen kuliah yang heran, aneh, atau berpikir 'kampungan' ngeliat paduan warna baju yg biasa saya pake. Reaksi saya, biasanya, yaa normal normal aja. Tapi gatau kenapa, hari itu saya jqdi ga pede buat jalan sampe niat ganti baju. Haha lebay emang -,-
Yaa sincere congratulation aja deh ya buat your Mixing-colour-that-absolutely-not-match costume which decrease your confident level of that day ul. Yay!
Lately I used to cook dinner cause I had no-more-college-thingy. It is very exciting to shop groceries and been busy in the kitchen.
As a newbie, I relied the process to my mate, Jeli. Relied here means that I need her advices and opinions in the process of making the food. Indeed we are a good cooking team! Aye!
Nah, yesterday we made tumis buncis wortel, sambel goreng kentang, dan brokoli goreng tepung :9
Rasa nya emang masih jauh dari restoran bintang lima, tapi kalau mau dibanding sama warteg, siapa takut?! Ya ga jel? Haha sok bet
as simple as you say good morning in english /the (un)necessary written things related to the blog's owner/